ID: 575
World Representation Through Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction
Speaker: Luis Contreras | Tamagawa University
We will present a short introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and its application to Object Recognition and we will extend those concepts to Convolutional Neural Networks. Then, we will show you a number of available applications and datasets for your projects. Finally, we will show you a specific application to robot navigation.
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Luis Contreras received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Visual Information Laboratory, in the Department of Computer Vision, University of Bristol, UK, working on problems related to computer vision and robotics. Currently, he is a research fellow at the Advanced Intelligence & Robotics Research Center, Tamagawa University, Japan. He has also been an active member of the Bio-robotics Laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico. He has been working on service robots and has tested his latest results at the RoboCup and similar robot competitions for the last ten years.
World Representation Through Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction
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